Monday, September 13, 2004

Being Nice is Fun...or Bears to Beslan

Hi all-

I just wanted to write really quick to let you know what Mommy and I did this morning. A few weeks ago when the school in Beslan, Russia was under attack Mommy could hardly watch the news without crying. So when she heard that a local truck driver was collecting bears to send to the victims' families as well as survivors she decided we needed to bring them some.

This morning we went to the store and bought two really cute bears that I wanted to eat. Then we went to the drop off place which was at out favorite radio station. The receptionist said how cute I was (repeatedly!!!) which made giving up the pretty bears a little easier. Anyway, it's nice that somewhere there will be two kids that get our bears and have something to cuddle with as they deal with many nights (probably years) of flashbacks and trauma from those three terrible days.

I'm glad we gave them some nice bears.
Miss Grace