My Lists of Good Things and Bad Things By Peanut Duck

Things that are good/I like:
1. Boobies
2. Grabbing a fistful of Mommy's hair and pulling it...hard
3. Shoving the same fistful of Mommy's hair in my mouth
4. My toes
5. When The Duckling smiles or makes funny faces at me
6. Ba-bas (bottles)
7. Baby Bjorn (this is new and I don't know why Mommy and Daddy didn't have one from the moment I was born)
8. Pootie
9. Being picked up and carried around for hours on end
10. The feeling after I've taken a really, really large poop
Things that are bad/I hate:
1. Gas
2. Being put down...anywhere
3. Gas
4. Being put down...anywhere
5. Gas
6. Being put down...anywhere
7. Gas
8. Being put down...anywhere
9. Gas
10. Being put down...anywhere
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