Counting down the days until Roadtrip 2005
(which sadly will not be filled with days of visiting Graceland in a semi-comatose, hungover state and nights spent drinking cheap beer in shady bars in Memphis as a roadtrip was once sure to include)
I wish I could tell you that this week has been full of adventure and excitement, hasn't.
This week's highlights so far have included, but are not limited to:
* changing many a poopie diaper
* spending countless hours watching The Duckling work on her new stunt of using the slide at the park (a/k/a "Darwinian Natural Selection Childhood Test #1"...VERY steep metal stairs)
* making a hundred-thousand bottles for Peanut (whom I might just legally rename to "Human Alarmclock" for her innate ability to know when EXACTLY three hours have passed)
* The Duckling's first "teecos" (tacos)
* petting a dog named Rosie
* picking out pumpkins with Grandma & Grandpa S and The Duckling having a meltdown for the three millionth time in a week for some reason that I will never quite grasp
Here are my current favorite pictures of all time of my little girls who are growing up so quickly. So quickly in fact that while I was very possibly smoking crack this weekend I uttered the words, "Maybe we should have another baby..."
Peanut enjoying the excitement that is pumpkin picking. Apparently they look like humongous boobs...look at that drool!
The sweet Duckling playing in the rain puddle as few weekends ago. What fun is childhood without big rubber rainboots and puddles to splash in?
I wish I could tell you that this week has been full of adventure and excitement, hasn't.
This week's highlights so far have included, but are not limited to:
* changing many a poopie diaper
* spending countless hours watching The Duckling work on her new stunt of using the slide at the park (a/k/a "Darwinian Natural Selection Childhood Test #1"...VERY steep metal stairs)
* making a hundred-thousand bottles for Peanut (whom I might just legally rename to "Human Alarmclock" for her innate ability to know when EXACTLY three hours have passed)
* The Duckling's first "teecos" (tacos)
* petting a dog named Rosie
* picking out pumpkins with Grandma & Grandpa S and The Duckling having a meltdown for the three millionth time in a week for some reason that I will never quite grasp
Here are my current favorite pictures of all time of my little girls who are growing up so quickly. So quickly in fact that while I was very possibly smoking crack this weekend I uttered the words, "Maybe we should have another baby..."

mama, who is proud, tired and occasionally just a bit out of her head
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