Tuesday, July 17, 2007

End of July Update....

Well as you can see I've been super diligent about updating this site.

As such I have the most random and odd smattering of pictures from the last four months that you can possibly imagine. I'm waiting for them to load right now and would like to take this opportunity to share what I've been up to instead of updating this site....you know, aside from eating bon-bons and watching my soaps...

Back in December I got this great idea that I would make tutus and sell them. I bought some tulle, ribbons and other junk at Wally World and got to work. I spent on afternoon wrestling with and cussing out the tulle, launched it in the back room and forgot about it until the middle of January. After the tulle and I came to an agreement that it was going to be me in charge and only me things have gone well. I have three main products in the line...tutus sewn into clothing (t-shirts or onesies), tie-on skirts and elasticized tutus. Since January I have produced nearly 200 tutus which I have been selling outright and using to stock my inventory for an upcoming arts and crafts show.

I came up with the name Decorated Duckling back in Austin when I thought that I might make and sell crib bedding...until I realized what a freakin' lot of work it was. Anyway, feel free to take a look around on my site and see what I've been up to and if you want to pass the site on, please do so. Our most exciting and latest news is that we will be donating part of our proceeds to two charities...The Family House and Texas Children's Hospital, both of which you can read about on the site.

And now onto the photos...

I braved taking the girls up to the Wisconsin Dells by myself on day to meet a blogging friend and his family. It took quite a bit of convincing for the girls to get in the water but by the time we left they were loving it....not that you can tell from the looks on their faces.

And then there was the Easter Egg Hunt...where it snowed...and was windy...and very, very, very cold...

Here's Peanut showing off one of my tutus...sadly the flash is way too hot and it's overexposed but I love, love, love that devious look and those big blues.

Peanut again...Uncle B and Aunt R bought this t-shirt for her birthday and were afraid they might get in trouble for it...sadly if a t-shirt could have been made just for Peanut, this would have been it...it's nice so that when she wears it in public I don't have to go through the trouble of explaining why I'm carrying a flask...

And finally...oh jeez, would you look at that? Another tutu! This is The Duckling and I at Uncle B's birthday bash...check out her million dollar smile. I wonder where she gets her good looks from!?!?! I know...I'm sooooooooooooooo modest.

I'm not going to lie and promise that I'll update this on a weekly or even monthly basis but I will try to get some pics up from time to time!

Mama Duck, who hears her tutus calling from her dining room sweatshop...