I'm not dead just very, very sleep deprived

Just a bit of a warning, I'm cranky/ornery/a crabass whatever you want to call it this week. My weight, my wardrobe, the color of our grass, whatever...I'm bitching about it.
We (I) decided that we probably need to put an end to the swaddling with Peanut now so it doesn't become a crutch for falling asleep. This is not going well. When she's not swaddled she's kicking, swatting her hands, twisting, writhing, turning...you name it...pretty much ANYTHING but lying still sleeping. All of this motion of course wakes her (and us) up. Then she wants her Pootie. She gets it in her mouth and starts swatting at it, thus flicking it out of her mouth. I stick it back in. Begin vicious cycle again.
Did I mention that we co-sleep? Yup. It was never really on my "Life Plan" to co-sleep, but it became apparent that this was they key to a good night's sleep when she was born. We've been "temporarily" co-sleeping for three of her three and a half months of life. It's fun. Anyway, most of the night I can hear Papa Duck say, "Grab a hand!" meaning...we each take one of Peanut's hands and hold them down so she can't flail around. Kind of like a personal baby straight jacket.
Positive things: It has been beautiful here this week (upper 70s, lower 80s); it rained...a lot; everyone is healthy
As for the photo...that would be an alcoholic beverage in our diaper bag...no well-stocked diaper bag is complete without one!!! :)
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