Stuff Portrait Friday: Boudoir Style
It's Stuff Portrait Friday again and this week is right up my alley. All about the bedroom! Since I'm a SAHM you know I'm either watching soaps eating bon-bons or I'm taking a nap. I'm certainly not doing housework, a fact that anyone who has visited me recently can attest to.
Thanks to Kristine we have a fantastic list of bedroom and sleep related shots. As always, comment, play and let us know you played so we can check out your goods!
Photo #1: Your bed: Well, it's not the whole bed, but this is Peanut and I sleeping in it...sort of. As you can see we went back to swaddling (two nights without was all I could stand and I can't stands no more!!!), but by morning she breaks free and I'm too damn tired to wrap her back up. You can almost see the sense of pride in her outstretched arms, "Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty I broke free at last!!!"

Photo #2: Favorite Dresser: Alright, it's not really a dresser, but I love this amoire. If you ever come to visit you can bet that Papa Duck will try to sell it to you or worse, just give it to you. I picked this up at an English auction back in Houston awhile ago...$110 I think it was. Heck, even Target can't beat that for solid wood!

Photo #3: Favorite Jammies: Well, my favorite jammies are...well, umm, er, dad, stop reading...(whispers) my birthday suit. I simply don't know how people sleep with clothes on because whenever I try I get all twisted up in the bedsheets. I'm just not terribly good at it I guess. Anyway, this is my favorite lounge-around item. It's actually a dress from Victoria's Secret that I thought the movers had lost. I found it last week in a box on the back porch. All is good and right in the lounging world of Mama Duck again.

Thanks to Kristine we have a fantastic list of bedroom and sleep related shots. As always, comment, play and let us know you played so we can check out your goods!
Photo #1: Your bed: Well, it's not the whole bed, but this is Peanut and I sleeping in it...sort of. As you can see we went back to swaddling (two nights without was all I could stand and I can't stands no more!!!), but by morning she breaks free and I'm too damn tired to wrap her back up. You can almost see the sense of pride in her outstretched arms, "Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty I broke free at last!!!"

Photo #2: Favorite Dresser: Alright, it's not really a dresser, but I love this amoire. If you ever come to visit you can bet that Papa Duck will try to sell it to you or worse, just give it to you. I picked this up at an English auction back in Houston awhile ago...$110 I think it was. Heck, even Target can't beat that for solid wood!

Photo #3: Favorite Jammies: Well, my favorite jammies are...well, umm, er, dad, stop reading...(whispers) my birthday suit. I simply don't know how people sleep with clothes on because whenever I try I get all twisted up in the bedsheets. I'm just not terribly good at it I guess. Anyway, this is my favorite lounge-around item. It's actually a dress from Victoria's Secret that I thought the movers had lost. I found it last week in a box on the back porch. All is good and right in the lounging world of Mama Duck again.

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